Monday, January 24, 2011

Mommy's Memory Monday

Last Monday I talked about the first time I saw my son, and held him. This weekend my son started being a blabbermouth and talking a lot. He's been saying Mama and Dada for awhile, but mostly Dada. This weekend, anytime he was talking he would be asking for both of us, but for Mama first. This melted my heart. He doesn't say Mama much, but when he does, it makes it more special. He was even saying "My mama" and "mamamama". Made my day!

Of course, Danny doesn't believe that he actually cried Mama when he was about 2 weeks old. He was frustrated and wanted out of his carseat and was tired, wanted to nurse to sleep and just to be held. Danny didn't hear it since he was out of the car and trying to get the door open. It was "waah ma ma." I loved it, but Danny said it didn't count since he didn't hear it. I said whatever, and we have since moved on. I still love that he says "my mama." He is still a breast fed baby, and will stop nursing to say Mama and go right back to nursing. I love it!

Spic n Span Saturday

Ok, so my house isn't spotless by any means, but it is definitely getting there. We got a couple of books on organizing/cleaning from my Aunt Linda. The first one, didn't seem too helpful to me, but the second one is already making a huge difference. Just from watching me read these books, Danny got off the couch, and tackled one of our eyesores: the dining room. I am typing this at the dining room table now, and there is very little on the floor around me, versus 3 days ago. We have a clean kitchen sink, with only the dishes from my breakfast in it right now. The sink has been clean since Saturday, and I am writing this on Monday. So happy about this! We have been struggling to get this apartment clean and keep it clean since we moved in, and it has been harder with Aaron now. We still have more to tackle, but one day at a time. After spending the day cleaning most of the day Saturday, we have a much cleaner apartment, at least in the main rooms. We will be working on our room and closet this week. Hopefully I can report a clean master bedroom next weekend!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Double Coupons = Big Savings!

Harp's Double Coupons started on Wednesday. Needless to say, since it is no secret about Harps and their double coupon event, they were out of almost everything that would've been free or dirt cheap. This was on Thursday evening. Examples of what they were out of was Ken's dressing, Rhode's Rolls, Borden Cheese slices and Best Life Butter. All of these items are less than .30 or free for each item. All of the employees were happy to tell us they were getting another truck in last night, and that things would be on the shelves by noon. I am so excited to go back and get those free/dirt cheap items. We are low on all them, and this is the best way to stock up! When we went last night, I spent less than $5 on $17 worth of items. Keep in mind, I had a coupon for a completely free item, that would've been almost $3. The only thing that was not the best deal was the hamburger helper meals. I still saved .50 a box on those, but was no where near the dirt cheap I could've gotten them for. I did get soup for .25 a can, rice for .50, and noodles for free. Will post again after I get home from trip #2.

Added on:
Went back on Friday morning. They were still out of the Ken's Salad Dressing, but that's ok since the coupon doesn't expire for another month or so. They did have everything else though. I got another almost $18 worth of groceries for $1.24 in tax only. This would've been higher by about $2 if they had not given me the overage. They aren't supposed to give overage, but the machine was acting up and the cashier, who was a manager I believe, had to manually enter the double amount, and wasn't paying attention and gave the overage. This meant I got everything free, and the overage covered the $2 I would've paid before taxes. All in all, in 2 trips I got almost $36 in groceries for about $6 OOP (out of pocket).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Healthy Thursday

Tonight's dinner was late, but healthy overall. We had manwich with brisket meat since we were out of ground turkey here at home. We put it over brown rice, and sprinkled a little cheese on top. We have been doing our best to eat veggies with dinner every night and at least 5 out of the last 7 days, we have succeeded! We are drinking juice and eating some fresh fruits, so slowly getting there. We exercise when we can, which is not often right now. All in all, I lost one pound last week. Not bad for just getting started. No I am not posting what my weight is, only what I am losing. :) Short post again tonight, as I need to get Aaron to bed soon. Goodnight, and come back tomorrow to find out what I spent on groceries tonight. :) :) :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wild Wednesday

Today has been a wild day. Started off early since Aaron woke up earlier than normal, by about 30 minutes. That wasn't too bad, except that he went to bed 30 minutes earlier than normal tonight which means that he will most likely be up early again tomorrow. I worked, and the kids were not in the best mood. Then again they can always tell when the weather is about to change, even if they are un-aware of it. Got home and found out that Danny's car just thankfully only needed a new oil filter. This was good since he was leaking oil badly since last Friday. We got it taken care of and had a good dinner. Watched Shrek Ever After, and got some cleaning done. All in all, it has been a wild Wednesday. I was supposed to have handbells tonight, but it got canceled due to potential nasty weather and trying to keep everyone safe. Happy Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday's Tip

Today is a tip day. The tip of the day is enjoy life every day as much as you can. Even if that means you sleep in til almost noon with your baby once in awhile. That is what we did today. We slept until almost 11 am, and then had a nice brunch. Maybe we will wake up at a decent time tomorrow and spend time together playing. I love spending time with my son, hanging out and playing with some of his fun toys. Today was a Tired Tuesday, and apparently we needed the extra sleep! See you again tomorrow.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mommy Monday

Being a mommy takes remembering a lot of things. Things from your own childhood, things from your child's first year, first steps, first tooth, first time sleeping through the night, etc.

My first memory I am posting I figure is extremely appropriate since it happened right at a year ago. This memory is of the first time I saw my son. I was drugged, and out of it, since it was a c-section delivery. I remember knowing he was born, before I heard him cry even. I felt a change in pressure, and knew he was here before I heard the doctor say the time : 8:03am. Then I heard him cry. It seemed like seconds before I saw him for the first time. His eyes were closed, and I told him to open his eyes, since Mommy wanted to see his eyes. He did! The first thing I told him to do, at minutes old, and he listened. It was very brief, but enough that I got to see his eyes before they took him away. I wanted to hold him so badly, I was sad when they took him. I didn't get to see him again or hold him until 11:30 am.

The first time I got to hold him, he started crying. I said "shh, Mama's got you" and he quieted down. We got some first pictures, including of Mommy's first kiss. I had asked beforehand, that no one else hold him before me, besides Daddy, so everyone got to see him, but they all left the room for the 30 minutes I had him in there. He had to go back to the nursery since he was having blood sugar issues. I got some rest, as little as I could, until he came back to the room around 2:30pm. That is when everyone else finally got to hold him, and I breastfed him for the first time. That is another memory in and of itself, so I will post that at a later day.